Talks, Seminars & Reading Groups


Upcoming Talks/Seminars:

I am currently running the Fanosearch group seminars at Imperial College London. If you are interested in speaking or attending, feel free to email me.

Upcoming Talks:

Friday 14th June: Imperial Mirror Symmetry learning seminar - "Mirror symmetry for Log Calabi-Yau surfaces"

Previous Talks:

Apr 2024 Colorado State University algebraic geometry seminar

Apr 2024 GLEN, St Andrews

Mar 2024 Lambda Seminar, SUSTech Shenzhen

Feb 2024 A Panorama of Moduli Spaces, Frankfurt (Lightening talk)

Jan 2024 Fanosearch group meeting - "Tropical Hurwitz theory"

Nov 2023 Cambridge Junior Geometry seminar - "The cohomology of moduli spaces"

Oct 2023 Birmingham algebraic geometry seminar - "The tropical geometry of orbifolds"

May 2023 KCL/UCL Junior Geometry seminar - "The topology of moduli spaces"

May 2023 Tropical Days in Bristol - "Tropical orbifold theory"

Feb 2023 Imperial Junior Geometry seminar - "Log geometry"

Jan 2023 Cambridge Junior Geometry seminar - "Introduction to orbifold Gromov-Witten theory"

1/12/22 Turing Maths Society - "Covering Spaces and the étale fundamental group "

9/11/22 Fanosearch group meeting - "Orbi-Log Cohomology"

7/11/22 VFC reading group - "Normal Cones and Segre Classes"

1/11/22 VFC reading group - "Intersection theory overview"

25/10/22 Fanosearch group meeting - "Gromov-Witten theory of P^2|E"

7/04/22 Stanford Algebraic Geometry Seminar - "Classifying Del Pezzo Surfaces with Mirror Symmetry"

18/03/22 Homological Mirror Symmetry Learning Seminar - "Hori-Vafa Mirror Symmetry"

20/01/22 UC Davis Algebraic Geometry Seminar - "Mirror symmetry of Fano orbifolds"

16/11/21 Gross-Siebert Program Learning Seminar - "Log Structures in the G-S Program"

12/11/21 Imperial Junior Geometry Seminar - "Du Val Singularities and how to make them go away"

Password: Geometry21-22 

30/09/21 Gross-Siebert Program Learning Seminar - "Toric Degenerations"

16/03/21 LSGNT Topics in Geometry  - "Lagrangian Floer Homology"

17/11/20 LSGNT Topics in Geometry - "Toric Geometry"

1/11/20 Gromov-Witten Learning Seminar - "Quantum Cohomology"

27/09/20 Gromov-Witten Learning Seminar - "Moduli Spaces of Stable Maps"

20/09/20 Étale Cohomology Seminar - "Étale Poincaré duality"

25/05/20 Étale Cohomology Seminar - "The Étale Fundamental Group"